Riders Of Vision

General => Off Topic => Topic started by: YellowJacket! on September 01, 2009, 05:40:51 PM

Title: OK Guys and Gals, Please Say Some Prayers For Me
Post by: YellowJacket! on September 01, 2009, 05:40:51 PM
As many of you know, I have been trying to get into graduate school to become a Physician Assistant.  I finally finished my undergrad this year after two very difficult years of hard work and sacrifice....and a few other bad things along the way.  I just submitted my applications to the four schools I narrowed my choice down to.  Its a very tough and expensive process and one I hoppe and pray I don't have to repeat next year.  :-[  In addition, due to the tough economic times, two things have muddied the application process.  The first is that the fees to apply have gone into the stratosphere and the second is that 10x as many people are applying because everyone is looking for a better and more stable job future.  (PA's top the list).  So, what used to be about 300 applicants per school is now 1500 to 3000!
Anyway, I've made a good career for myself as a respiratory therapist over the last 20 years and have learned a lot.  That should help.  What I have going against me is my 3 years of indescretion and goofing off in college in the 1980's.  Wven though I graduated RT school with a 3.5 and my recent degree with a 3.7, my overall GPA is still sitting on a 2.9.  The avaerage applicant has a 3.2.  Since its "average", that still means that theres people with grades less than mine applying but its those that are above me that get in.  So, I'm praying and asking for help.
It's funny, because I know its what God has planned for me as so many doors have opened over the last 3 or 4 years to make it possible...its really amazing.  I have no doubt that once I can get in, that I'll be able to make it through, its the getting in that scares me.  So, if all of you can say a prayer for me, I would greatly appreciate it.


Title: Re: OK Guys and Gals, Please Say Some Prayers For Me
Post by: h2olawyer on September 01, 2009, 06:49:33 PM
Glad to do it!  Your 20 years as a respiratory therapist will really help set you apart from many applicants.  When a friend's wife applied to PA school about 10 years ago, her GPA was in the lower 3.s and she had worked as a biology teacher and a lab tech for a poultry processing company.  She said the 3 years of lab experience was a real plus in getting accepted over some with higher GPAs.  At that time, most applicants were fresh college graduates.  Since you have 20 years of dealing with patients in a clinical setting, that will be viewed with the weight it rightfully deserves. 

Title: Re: OK Guys and Gals, Please Say Some Prayers For Me
Post by: Night Vision on September 01, 2009, 07:40:25 PM
Title: Re: OK Guys and Gals, Please Say Some Prayers For Me
Post by: Brian Moffet on September 01, 2009, 07:49:10 PM
You've done good, be proud of that. The rest will follow.

Title: Re: OK Guys and Gals, Please Say Some Prayers For Me
Post by: Walt_M. on September 02, 2009, 07:55:37 AM
We're all pulling for you David, good luck!
Title: Re: OK Guys and Gals, Please Say Some Prayers For Me
Post by: Tiger on September 02, 2009, 07:58:45 AM
 :) Hang in there David...Good things come to them that wait... ;)

8).......TIGER....... 8)
Title: Re: OK Guys and Gals, Please Say Some Prayers For Me
Post by: kev10104 on September 02, 2009, 08:47:50 AM
And good things come to good people so you should have no problem.
Title: Re: OK Guys and Gals, Please Say Some Prayers For Me
Post by: funkamongus on September 02, 2009, 11:55:45 AM
You got it Brother!! I know you'll get in, you have lots of good karma.. plus, 20 years is a pretty good indicator that youre a committed lifer. To them, you're a great investment. Doors will not even be there, it'll be more like a hallway!!
Title: Re: OK Guys and Gals, Please Say Some Prayers For Me
Post by: YellowJacket! on September 02, 2009, 05:00:06 PM
Thanks guys.  I should start hearing things by November.  Depending on how things go, I could be in school as early as next May (for one of the schools) the rest start in August to September.  I know for one school that I will already have an interview.  I had applied last year and got an interview but had not graduated yet.  The medical director told me if I would finish my degree and apply again, I'd get another interview.  That school is here in Knoxville, but I'll still have to sell my house.
There is one other school in north/central TN right near Kentucky (about 1/8 mile) that I applied to, another over close to kia in Charleston, SC and UAB in Birmingham Alabama.  I wanted to apply to the University of South Alabama in Mobile (near Tiffinator - sort of) but couldn't swing the high application fees.  I'm financially tapped out from all the other schools and the GRE exam I have to take next month.

I think you all will be the first to know how things go as soon as I find out.  You all are great friends!!!!

Title: Re: OK Guys and Gals, Please Say Some Prayers For Me
Post by: akvision on September 03, 2009, 01:31:36 AM
good things come to those who reach for them.