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Search Deficiencies

Started by Re-Vision, August 16, 2010, 10:21:35 AM

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Quite often when searching some subject I find pitifully small amounts of information on that subject. The reason often being that whoever posted on a particular subject didn't use the key words that would help in recalling it. I know this to be true because I often find references about one thing under a totally unrelated heading. My thoughts as to resolving this problem would be to create an alphabetical listing based on the index found at the back of the Haynes manual. For instance, if you are reading through old posts and find something that is pertinent to some other thread such as carb jets, it would be a simple matter to copy the significant information and re-post it under the alphabetical heading that would make it much easier to find (Carburetor, jets). I'm sure this would introduce some new problems but I thought I would throw this out and see what you folks think about it.    BDC


Yeah, it can be fustrating searching here, but i think that might be more a software issue than anything else..  might be easier to 'googleize' the forum... ?

oh, plus i'm lazy & probably would never remember to put the words in, lol
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


Lucky, whenever a person would copy something of interest he would then paste it in under a new subject heading which he thought appropriate for that particular information. For example, if while reading about electrical shorts I ran across the address where someone was buying quality fuse blocks at a good price, I could copy and paste it under the subject heading of "Fuse Blocks". Should help the next searcher.  BDC