Exhaust pipe

Started by Bo, November 01, 2003, 03:00:36 PM

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There are on the bike exhaust pipes that have a hole... Does it change anything (but the noise). How much would it cost to fix/change them? Where to look for it? I'd just like to keep the look of this bike that I like pretty much (even if it's not the wiser decision I've done to buy it).


I don't know if u want to repair or if u want to buy a new one, but sure your bike is an European Vision and u have to be aware of the fact that the bikes we got here were not always the same in respect of power and performance.

I am almost sure that in the nearest time u will ask about the vision stumble. It is not that simple in our case since cleaning the carb doesn't help much. U have to know a lot in order to make this thing running without any stall.

This is because the power of EU Visions was reduced. The two primary versions were 65hp and 50 hp. They differed a lot. Cams were different and carb maniforlds. MOreover, 50hp ver. was often made into 20hp and 37hp. It was achieved by welding metal rings into exhaust colletors and exhaust pipes.

But from my experience the matter is more complicated.  I saw bikes with "open" intake manifolds (65hp) and with reduced collectors. Still u can't be sure what cams u have and what combination was used for your bike.

SO... it is easier for us experience the stumble and at the same time not to know what's the main reason for it since the tips presented here just won't work. This fact can be simple explained on following example, just put OEM 65hp jets into 37hp or 50hp system. That would create enormous stumble.....;)))

AS for your exhaust pipe, GO to your local dealer and ask for YAMA pipes. THey are formed as stock ones and they appear on German ebay from time to time. Think that the price is about 120 euro which is not so bad...

U may also look at ebay.com and find MAC replacement or eventually take the job in your hands and create your own setup... few of us did it and the result can be seen in our galllery...

bye bye
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There is, I think, a misunderstanding... If I'm French, I'm nowadays in the USA, where I'm buying a Vision. I then assume than it isn't a EU version...


sorry... I thought u were Lecco... the italian guy who has just appeared on the forum... really sorry....
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Bo, you have a few options, ?you can use a dealer, have them fix the pipes as stock, at a very great expense. Or, you can replace with the mac system, which is pricey, but affordable, or go the third route, as i did . I went to a local Harley Davidson shop and explained my problem, i need exhaust, but it costs way too much to have it all replaced. The mechanic there was able to patch up my old system, then within a week ,he had come up with a harley based set of pipes , fitted in to work on the vision collector box, it is to be 4 headers feeding the stock collector, then a y pipe coming off each side feeding two angled side draft pipes on each side of the bike ( cruiser bike style)
 ?when my money is all ok, am going in to have him install the set he has on paper, twin pipes on each side of the bike . So ?now you have to decide , and then consult the finance side of you life. work new stuff in when you can . keeping a vision alive  is just that , keeping your vision (as in dream) alive
keep your bike running,your beer cold ,and your passport handy.all are like money in the bank .