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Motorcycle Consumer News

Started by hfarley, June 14, 2005, 12:33:42 PM

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Ok, I may have missed it if this is/was being discussed here but does anyone else get the Motorcycle Consumer News magazine? If so in the July 2005 issue on page 10 the picture half way down the page and to the right, looks to me like a Vision. I could be wrong though. You guys tell me. I will try to scan it into the computer so those who don't get it can see what I am talking about.
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!


You are showing great wisdom by exposing yourself to MCN.  Nothing but the best will come of it.  After reviewing the picture and its' accompaning caption, I think you are looking at just what they say you are,  namely a one off experimental Norton engine probably mounted in a significant amount of Yamha Turbo chassis hardware.  The fairing, tank, and side panels are definately not Yamaha.  Keep reading MCN.  You'll be a much better informed motorcyclist for it.  Cheers.


Actually what peaked my curiousity was the rims on the tires. They looked identical to ours. Plus the curves and stuff of the bike were similar. When I took my BRM course from MSF the instructor gave us all a coupon for Motorcycle Consumer News. I figured I would try it out. I get a bunch of other ones too. I figured buy a year of various magazines and then cancel whicever ones I don't like. Well Motorcycle Consumer will not be canceled. I really like it and the fact that it has no advertising to speak of. Out of all of the mags that I get that one is the first to be read. I even pass it on to my motorcycle maintenance instructor who is also a MSF instructor. The information and reviews that the magazine provides is really great. Especially for a newbie like me. Thanks for the feedback!
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!


YamahaTurbo 650 wheels and Vision wheels are stylistically identical.


Ahh wise one, thank you for the insight on the wheels!  ;D
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!