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Started by MrMe, December 01, 2004, 12:44:05 PM

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Just getting ready to clear coat.

What do you think ?


Wow, Nice job....I like the flag coming through the red....
The engine looks really good also!

What brand of paint did you use?  I just priced out Dupont, and it is going to be about $230 just for paint.....

So I changed the color from primer grey to primer black ;D
A bad marrage is like dirty carbs... It just makes everything else suck.


I used a spray can to do the paint called dupli-color.
If you do it rite it looks just like it was shot from a gun.
Alot of extra work .. wet sanding between coats and what not. But you can't tell the diff.
Here is a close up of the tank.I can't tell the diff. I bought the bike for 700.00. It did not need that much work i had to put some bondo on the tank there were a cuple dents so i took it down to the metal and after 2 months this is what i have got done. So far I like it.


Just don't over-do-it with the clear. I used Duplicolor clear once. Just a bit Too much and a few years later the paint just cracked. I have since painted my bikes with Dupont...was not really that expensive. I don't know where superfly is getting his paint? I think the paint only cost me less than $100. That is just one color...pitch black and clear. Dupont 99 pitch black is so glossy clear is needed.
looks aren't important, if she lets you play by your rules


thanks fpr the tip on the clear


As I understand it, anything connected to paint & it's application is a bit more expensive in Ca due to emissions & health laws/regulations.  I don't know if that justifies the big diff in cost, but i'll bet it's some of it.

1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


The rule of thumb i was taught with clear coats is spray on 4 coats of clear and when it sets/drys buff the final coat off.
What they didn't tell me was how thick was each of my clear coats compared to the next guys and how to tell when you have buffed one coat off. So without that info this is just another of those useless bits of information thats uses up valuable storage space in out limited brains, sorry guys.
But they did say that any more than three coats will turn yellow in the australian sun after a few years.
One mans clunker is another mans blank canvas.