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Front Fork Question

Started by Kiwi, July 02, 2009, 01:26:04 AM

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Ok, another question from a newb.... I am a bicycle mechanic and have re built some shocks in my career...
Is rebuilding the 82 shocks similar... it all looks about the same just on a larger scale, at least that's what the front brakes are like.

BTW, i went from repairing bicycles, putting 2 stroke motors on bicycles, and now rebuilding a motorcycle

Bicycles... the gateway drug 

US 82 XZ550 with the flapper Airbox

Coil Coyle

Welcome to ROV.  ;D

Yes, it all begins with bicycles.  :o

A manual or Lucky's CD manual is nice to have but the Yamaha Website gives you access to parts diagrams online.
The USA site is at

Start in the parts menu and work through 1982, XZ550, and front fork to see a blown up drawing of the fork. Part # 18 is the bolt that you need to loosen and remove to disassemble the tube, it holds the metering tube into the slider and that is the "latch" that hold the assembly together.

Notice which way the seals face and make yourself some notes so you get them right going back together, the blown up drawing won't be much help with those details.

Have fun.




I devoted a whole discussion to the "upgrade" of my front forks from 82's to 83's.  It shows how to disassemble and reassemble them as well as replace the seals.  I took lots of pics.  I'll search for the link and update this post with it when I find it.

I'll second Coil on Lucky's CD.  Just search the members for "Lucky" and send him a PM.  He's not online as much anymore so if he doesn't respond in a couple days, let me know and I'll give him a call.  He only loves about 20 miles from me.

Its well worth the small price he asks for the disk.  LOTS of good info.


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)