Considering selling my beloved V

Started by Dan Byers, February 25, 2004, 05:18:25 AM

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Dan Byers

I perhaps should post this also in the buy/sell forum, but really what I am looking for is interest in my Vision. It's a Red 82 with an entire 83 front end added, air fork air fitting merger assembly, 83 rear shock, rear sets and handlebar risers. Nice tank bra, pretty clean paint, coated tank interior (Bill Hersh's) Small luggage rack on rear, Eclipse tank bag, engine guard, custom made lower fairing, good tires, Electrex R/R, and a few other mods and such, including a spare parts frame, wiring harness, wheels, forks.
*ex-wife stole keys. No keys available, unless Yammy dealer will cut new ones from code on ignition cylinder
*Electrex stator cooked. OEM stator from Ebay included, tested good, not installed.
* Carb would need cleaned-bike has sat unridden for a year now.
That's it. Compared to fixes that some of you go through to get running, minimum really.
Cost negotiable. Location Cleveland, Ohio area.
I really loved this and my other Visions in the past. No other bike made quite like it, but you all know that. I am finalizing a horrific divorce and custody battle, and need the money and someone out there needs this fine example of a V. Maybe when things improve for me, I will ride again...maybe even another V. Maybe a SV650...who knows what the future holds.
Thanks for all the help and friendship over the years. Email me with offers or interest. I will NOT part out this machine. See pics of it in the gallery.
Dan Byers

Rick G

Sorry to hear od your sorrow ,Dan and sorry to hear that your selling your V. I went through  a divorce and it was no fun!  hang in there!
Rick G
Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there in lurks the skid demon
'82.5 Yamaha XZ550 RJ  Vision,
'90 Suzuki VX800, 1990 Suzuki DR350.
'74  XL350   Honda , 77 XL350 Honda, 78 XL350 Honda, '82 XT 200 Yamaha, '67 Yamaha YG1TK, 80cc trail bike


Dan ~
    I like the look of your custom lower fairing, any way possible you can e-mail me information on how it was made ;D?
1982 Yamaha Vision
1982 Motobecane 50V
1975 Kawasaki H-1
1972 Rokon Trailbreaker

Dan Byers

 The lower is fabricated from a chin fairing from a Kaw GPZ750. I cut and trimmed it to fit up against the case savers on my vision. It is mounted using three nylon mounts that originally held LED headlights onto mountain bike handlebars. I liked the squred-front edge look of the fairing, as it matched the squarish look of the Vision's tank and lines in general. Finding a red that matched was harder than the fabrication.
 I moved out of my house over the past weekend (lost my house in the divorce), and found that my tank now has a small dent on the left side. Gee....I wonder how THAt happened. Just thought anyone interested should know. It's small enough that a suction puller could get it out. Someone make me an offer.


I won't have to worry about a divorce, my wife remind's me occasionally that it's "till death do us part", lol

seriously though, if you need anyone to help you with childish 7th grade pranks..well, we're here for you!!

1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black

Rick G

Speaking of childish 7th grade pranks , I was working at John Burr cycles in Fontana CA.  in 1970 or 71  . Well, it seems that the parts guy (nice guy ,great sense of humor)  was always camping in the john , so, I removed the patch from a hot patch , lit it up and putted it under the bath room door ( for those of you not familiar with this type of patch ,  it produces a large cloud of noxious smoke , as part of the installation proceedure. ) almost immeadititly  it shot back out !!!  So , returned it and slapped a piect of  2x4 accross the bottom of the door !! damd near set the shop on fire!!  Being a M/C wrench was a lot of fun , before the lawyers got involved in it!!  (Sorry H20 ) ;D
Rick G
Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there in lurks the skid demon
'82.5 Yamaha XZ550 RJ  Vision,
'90 Suzuki VX800, 1990 Suzuki DR350.
'74  XL350   Honda , 77 XL350 Honda, 78 XL350 Honda, '82 XT 200 Yamaha, '67 Yamaha YG1TK, 80cc trail bike


No apologies necessary, Rick.  I'm no fan of many litigators out there - they're more interested in maximizing contingent fees than in really seeing the merits of a case and what might happen if they win (beyond making themselves and their clients a bit wealthier. ::))  That's why I primarily do transactional, corporate, water and agriculture related stuff.  Other culprits in making the workplace less fun are OSHA and the EPA.  Sounds like it was a great prank, though!
If you have an accident on a motorcycle, it's always your fault. Tough call, but it has to be that way. You're in the right, and dead -on a bike. The principle is not to have any accident. If you're involved in an an accident, it's because you did not anticipate. Then, by default, you failed.


My Ex got my car in the divorse. But I figured since I had just replaced the O2 sensor and the air compressor was mine, I removed and kept the O2 sensor and the air in the tires. It still makes me laugh to think of the look on her face when she came to get it...but jesus woman make us do stupid things :P


true story, my hand to God:

When I worked at Lincoln-Mercury in south Florida, I used to brown bag lunch. One day I found the cupcake I brought for desert was gone. this happened repeatedly over the course of a week or so.  

I finnaly got so fed up that I went to the drug store and bought some syrup of ipitac (sp). this is the stuff you give to children to induce vomiting if they swallow poison.

I put a little bit in the middle of a hostess cupcake, and sure enough, half an hour after lunch, one of the kids in the parts dept was puking his guts out...

If I tried that nowadays, i'd probably end up in jail.

So, if your ever at Hollywood Lincoln Mercury, stop by the parts dept, and tell "Cupcake" (as he's now known,) I say "Hi".

moral of the story: Dont F*ck with my desert!

1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


I love that one... Must keep it in mind..


Rick G

A fellow I worked with , kept loosing his favorite  yellow cake , with the chocolate  Icing . He had his wife melt down some Exlax and frost it with that!  needless to say the pilferage stopped right away!
Rick G
Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there in lurks the skid demon
'82.5 Yamaha XZ550 RJ  Vision,
'90 Suzuki VX800, 1990 Suzuki DR350.
'74  XL350   Honda , 77 XL350 Honda, 78 XL350 Honda, '82 XT 200 Yamaha, '67 Yamaha YG1TK, 80cc trail bike


When I was in high school, 2 of my friends starting dating each other. He ended up cheating on her, so she invited him over weeks later to bury the hatchet after all their arguing. Her peace offering was some chocolate chip cookies she made with chunks of ExLax as the chocolate chips. I knew what she was up to, so I made sure I was at her house when he was supposed to come over.......didn't want to miss the fireworks!! ? ;) ?Unfortunately for us though, he must have sniffed her plan out, 'cause he never did show up!! ? Aren't I a GOOD friend?! ?;D
2005 Governor Cup Champion Toledo Mudhens

Lloyd Cooper.........the best coach a Michigan opponent could ask for!

'82 Vision (Sold???)
'98 Honda Blackbird/CBR 1100XX


1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black