Starts but immediately shuts down

Started by TJ, May 23, 2002, 07:46:37 AM

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Hi all,
I just took the carbs off my '82 and cleaned them out
with some chemtool.  The float pins are working great
and fuel seems to be spraying evenly into the engine.  
Now that it's all back together, when I go to start the
bike it'll fire like it's going to start so I give it some gas
but the rpms dont go up and it immediately quits.  If
If I crank for about 10 seconds after it fires it seems to
hold on long enough to build up some rpms but I don't want
to do this too much and burn out my starter.  I've got new
plugs in it and it appears I'm getting fuel to them so I
can't figure out why it doesn't stay on and build up some
rpms when I crank the throttle...Anybody had similar problems?


first guess would be to check the obvious, hoses hooked up properly, throttle cable routed correctly and not hung up.
I would also suspect your carb settings.  when you had them apart did you remove the sync rod that connects the two throttle levers together on the left side of the bike? if so you might have turned the rod, sending the sync out of whack. just an 1/8 turn on the rod is enought to make the bike hard to start.  if you changed the pilot screw turns, this will also make it hard to start. last thing to check is the idle screw, too far in and the bike will start & run at a high rpm.
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


If the engine is cold you need to use the choke.  Also, if you dont have the yics hoses hooked up, it will start hard and only run at high rpms.  It creates a huge vacuum leak.