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Trailer Hitches

Started by YellowJacket!, July 16, 2009, 01:45:28 PM

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I hate trailer hitches and think there is no reason to have them attached to your truck if you are not hauling something.  Well, the other day, I was in a hurry to pick up some stuff from my local Lowes so I could finish one of my honey do projects and right there in the front was an empty parking space.  There was a big dually in front of me and jutting out about 2' from the back of his gas guzzling (well Deisel) bohunker was a three balled hitch.  I gave myself enough room between it and my bumper - about 2 feet.

So anyway, I finish getting what I needed and walk out and notice first that the truck was gone and there was a "lip" on my bumper.  The bastard had rolled backwards into my car, hooked it like a bass with his hitch then pulled forward!  UGH!!!

So yesterday, I witnessed devine intervention.  This guy was walking around behind his truck with a big bohunkin hitch jutting out like a salmons lip and walks right into it.  Smacked his shin so damn hard he went right over.  I witnessed a grown man cry.  The funny part was that it was a Harley Davidson edition F250.  Them harley guys and their trailers....

I've also seen people inch forward to get their cars as close as they can and saw a woman punch one right through her radiator.


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)

Coil Coyle


:police: :police:
Your beginning to lose it again, having daymares, get back on the Vitamin D!

;D ;D


Quote from: coilXZcoyle on July 16, 2009, 01:57:48 PM

:police: :police:
Your beginning to lose it again, having daymares, get back on the Vitamin D!

;D ;D

too many days off in a row.


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)


I've barked my shins on those damn things more times than I can remember.  Watery eyes nearly every time.  I put the hitch in my receiver only when I'm going to tow.  The rest of the time, it has a "Colorado State" receiver cover in place.  (Go R-A-M-S!)  I don't plan on getting rid of my 3/4 ton truck anytime soon.   ;D

Sorry to hear you were victimized by a thoughtless jerk.  Although, to be fair, he might not have even felt the impact / pull.

If you have an accident on a motorcycle, it's always your fault. Tough call, but it has to be that way. You're in the right, and dead -on a bike. The principle is not to have any accident. If you're involved in an an accident, it's because you did not anticipate. Then, by default, you failed.

Brian Moffet

Quote from: h2olawyer on July 16, 2009, 05:26:29 PM
Although, to be fair, he might not have even felt the impact / pull.

I'm not sure I would call this "to be fair"...  If they have something on there, they really should take effort to keep track of where their vehicle sticks out...  Whether they would felt the impact or not makes no difference.  If that were the case, then hummers would be able to get away with running over pedestrians because they wouldn't notice the impact...  ::)



Thats right Brian.  With me being about 2' from his hitch. I was a good 3+ feet from his bumper...


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)


Not saying the guy is without fault.  I was in a 3/4 ton Dodge pickup that got rear-ended on an icy road.  We never felt more than a small bump that could have been easily mistaken as road induced.  We got through the intersection, the driver looked in the mirror & there was a Subaru with the hood bent into the shape of a tent and lots of steam emanating from the front of the car.  Just saying that the guy might have at least left a note if he'd realized what he'd done.  Still, he was a jerk for leaving the hitch installed in the first place . . ..   >:(

If you have an accident on a motorcycle, it's always your fault. Tough call, but it has to be that way. You're in the right, and dead -on a bike. The principle is not to have any accident. If you're involved in an an accident, it's because you did not anticipate. Then, by default, you failed.


i like my big ole 3 balled hitch -- i even mounted it on a crane neck shaft so i can get it out there for people to see . that way , when they creep up on my rear end to ride my draft, i can tap the brake and hav eproof positive they were following too close .
  in case anyone is offended, i dont park in crowded parking lot areas, i go way out by the road .and i have a highlighter hitch lamp installed that is on any time the engine is running .    follow too close, learn an ugly lesson . i brake for june bugs!

no worries right now for anyone,, need to rebuild my engine,,,, 200k took it's toll on my lil chebby truck
keep your bike running,your beer cold ,and your passport handy.all are like money in the bank .

Rick G

Trailer hitches do bark the shins, but try a hitting a  ladder! A company I worked for retired my old full size Ford van and issued me a new Toyota , with a service bed. Of course I was used to walking under the ladder that stuck out a bit from the back of the truck. SO, when I stepped off of the curb , with my hat brim pulled down ( due to my eyes sensitivity to bright sun light)  I hit  the ladder with the top of my head !!
OUCH! >:( >:( >:( :o :o :-[ :'( :'( :'(. I hung flag on the dam thing. I never liked service bodies, When I bought my own truck is was a long wheel, base full sized van!!
Rick G
Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there in lurks the skid demon
'82.5 Yamaha XZ550 RJ  Vision,
'90 Suzuki VX800, 1990 Suzuki DR350.
'74  XL350   Honda , 77 XL350 Honda, 78 XL350 Honda, '82 XT 200 Yamaha, '67 Yamaha YG1TK, 80cc trail bike

Kid Jedi

i never could get brake checks to work, i just go a controlled swerve on the road, people back WAAAAAY up, and I laugh every time!
Loves to over think things.