hi guys,, i did not fall off the planet after all !

Started by kiawrench, March 01, 2017, 10:07:27 PM

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  i have returned.   i am alive, well, and retired , for all that may mean .
just past 56,, still ready to take on cross country ride , but  it wont be on two wheels . just hurts me too much to try and ride a bike , so am passively  researching tri-wheeled geezer glide  groups to see what i may like .


keep your bike running,your beer cold ,and your passport handy.all are like money in the bank .

fret not

Retired, on the downhill slide. . . . . . . . still feels like going uphill!

The Prophet of Doom

Nice to see you back Kia.  Why don't you build a Vision Trike? That would be a world first I think.


It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is then to persist in delusion, however satisfying or reassuring.  Carl Sagan


1982 Vision rider from 1991 to 2012.

The Prophet of Doom

Quote from: Brian_Matthewson on March 05, 2017, 07:39:14 AM
It wouldn't be the first.
Check this out...(scroll thru the pictures)
OK so Kiawrench could make the first good looking vision trike.


My understanding is that O'Brien made the Vision Trike for a customer who had become disabled, so appearance probably wasn't a priority. I don't know how he came to own it, but he was trying to sell it in the late '90's-early 2000's for about $4,500.
1982 Vision rider from 1991 to 2012.


Kia, you have been gone long enough for Kias to go from joke to nice cars. Good to hear from you again and good luck with your project.
Whale oil beef hooked!


Quote from: Walt_M. on March 07, 2017, 06:32:35 PM
Kia, you have been gone long enough for Kias to go from joke to nice cars. Good to hear from you again and good luck with your project.
Similar to Hyundai's trajectory.
It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is then to persist in delusion, however satisfying or reassuring.  Carl Sagan


Quote from: kiawrench on March 01, 2017, 10:07:27 PM
  i have returned.   i am alive, well, and retired , for all that may mean .
just past 56,, still ready to take on cross country ride , but  it wont be on two wheels . just hurts me too much to try and ride a bike , so am passively  researching tri-wheeled geezer glide  groups to see what i may like .

Geez, now your making me feel old.  I vote Can-am. they are pretty cool looking and you don't have
that strange can't go around corners too fast without tipping over thing.

Good luck !


have looked at a few local bikes,, mostly conversion /kit trikes . not bad , just not in any rush .  top three I have looked at are a 2011 gold wing conversion with touring kit ,  a 2016 can-am , and a sparkly new , fresh from the box , everything included Polaris slingshot.

    high dollar lookie -loo stuff ,,, but , I am only kicking tires . 
keep your bike running,your beer cold ,and your passport handy.all are like money in the bank .

Coil Coyle

Did you get your new hips yet?
I got both of mine and it time to get back on the bikes.


just an update for all my old friends. I never did get another bike , seems I just never could decide. just happy to hang around local gun club and teach a class now and then.
keep your bike running,your beer cold ,and your passport handy.all are like money in the bank .


Kia, you've been gone so long Kias are now reliable.
Whale oil beef hooked!