Philly ROV ride

Started by VisionaryDan, October 10, 2005, 03:01:25 PM

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The weather is looking really good this weekend now.  Lets hope it stays this way.
1982 Yamaha XZ550
1995 Ducati M900


Yep so I guess we need to figure where we are going to meet. xtrmrokkrwlr are you still in for Saturday. I'll send him an email.

I guess if it's just you and I Zore we could pick a route closer to you.  If xtrmrokkrwlr is coming we could go with the orginal plan to meet in Chester County.



I still think you'll enjoy the short route that I planned.  There is a road that goes over a covered bridge that can only be defined as a roller coaster ride.  Are you bringing le vision?
1982 Yamaha XZ550
1995 Ducati M900


Ok, you have me convinced the Chester county loop it is. I heard from xtrmrokkrwlr and he thinks it's a go for him as well.

A vision is the only choice I have. It's just which Vision. Unless I chance throwing a used stator in the bike with the fairing - I will propbably bring my orginal. That should be ready to go. The fairing bike was also having some over heating problems as well that I'm not sure is corrected. Need to take it on a long ride after the stator is changed out.

Maybe we can get together another weekend when Heather can make it and I'll try it out.

So Zore are we looking to meet up in Chadds Ford or do you want to meet up some where on the way?



Guess what!! I can go after all!! My business plans were cancelled and I am going to go down a different weekend to see my grandmother. She has already made arrangem,ents with someone else to see her this weekend. Whoo hooo!!! So where are we meeting? Zore, email me at and I will give you my phone number and then maybe we can talk either tonight or tomorrow to firm up where we can meet up. I am sooo excited!!!! I even washed my polar tech shirt for the occasion. LOL!  ;)
I can't wait to meet you guys! BTW I am going to bring my digital camera but just in case is anyone else bringing a camera?
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!


It is friday.  We should probably firm everything up today so I can map and post the route.
1982 Yamaha XZ550
1995 Ducati M900


Actually it's Thursday but who's counting. Zore are you and Heaher still planning to meet in hightstown? If so are you taking RT1 down into Pa? Is the plan to ride down Roosevelt Blvd through Philly?



I haven't figured that out yet.  Since I wasn't 100% sure we where we decided to meet.  I think heather and I should meet in Highstown, and probably that might be good for anyone else in jersey.  If we were going to meet at the wawa at the riding spot, I was just going to take the turnpike down.  But I wasn't sure where you were coming from so we can meet you anywhere.  It's just the 3 of us now?
1982 Yamaha XZ550
1995 Ducati M900


Zore you just tell me where you wnat to meet and I will be there. Let's firm this all up today if possible so that we can use tomorrow to map out stuff.  If you guys like I can three way call. I could call you each and we could discuss it tonight if you want. Then if anyone else joins in we can tell them the plans. What do you guys think?
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!



I emailed xtrmrokkrwlr and he said it looks like a go for him as long as he can get a babysitter. I think he is coming from Harrisburg area. So I thought we would meet him in Chadds Ford. If you want I could meet you at the Willow Grove exit on the PA Turnpike if that's how you are coming. I live about 5 minutes from there.

So are you taking Turnpike to 476 south and down to RT1?

If you want to talk on the phone tonight what time? Should we call you Heather?



I can call anytime after 6:30pm. It is better if I initiate the call from my phone. Plus that way you guys won't be charged. Dan you already sent me your phone number correct? I have it on my aol still. What time is good for you? Zore? Let me know!
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!



ok I will call you at 6:30 then. Do you have the number for Zore?
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!


That's fine.  I'll throw my GPS on the vision saturday morning.  All I need to know is where to be at what time.  Heather you figure out where in Hightstown you want to meet and what time.  Then we'll head off to the willow grove exit in the pa turnpike. 

I recomend a wind breaker or top half of your rain gear.  I've been riding every morning on the sprint, but with the heated grips and taller touring windscreen, I didn't really notice how chilly it got until i went for a ride.  Being cold sucks.

I'm going to plot out a route from hightstown to the maple grove exit and see how far it is. 
1982 Yamaha XZ550
1995 Ducati M900


I just sent you a personal message Zore. Please read. I don't know anything about heightstown. Do you know of a good spot? I will meet you wherever.
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!


Here is the route I have.  It's rough and I'm going to fine tune it a little, but you get the ideal.  Once I know exactly where in willow grove we're meeting, it's easy.  From my house to willow grove, to the wawa and around the loop is 125 miles.  We should get a decent day in as the weather looks awsome.

1982 Yamaha XZ550
1995 Ducati M900


I just talked to VisionaryDan and we are all meeting at the building with the parking lot to the left of the toll booth at the Willow Grove exit. We will then go on from there. We are to meet him at 11:30am. What time do you think we should meet on our end? I am familiar with 130 and am at exit 8a on the turnpike so I can meet you anywhere really. Exit 8, exit 8a or 130. You tell me what you know and I will be there. I sent you a message with my cell number and if you give me yours I will call you tomorrow.
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!


I have been down 130 many times, but couldn't tell you what's on it.   I think the easiest thing is the building right before the onramp coming from hightstown at  exit 8.
1982 Yamaha XZ550
1995 Ducati M900


Ok so I get on the turnpike at 8a, take it to exit 8 and the building is right there? Which side?
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!