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Newbie Sta-Bil question

Started by hfarley, January 06, 2005, 02:58:29 PM

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Ok guys, I went out and bought a bottle of Sta-bil. I put in the correct amount for the amount of gas in her. She is also now hooked up to a Battery Tender jr. Here's my question: If say on Sunday it is sunny out and I want to take her out. Do I have to do anything special before I go out and then also when I come back? I just don't want to start out o the wrong foot with this one. Thanks!
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!


The sta-bil won't hurt anything, it's job is to keep the gas from turning gooey from long storage.  it'll burn just like gas.  if you plan on not running the bike for a long time (over a month) add more.  I doubt you can hurt anything by using too much.  it's hard to make a bike "Overdose".

1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


other than --- "please , ms vision , may i ride today with no mishap" (before the ride) and "thank you for the nice ride "(after the ride),, i think you have the bases all covered.

   dont forget, helmet,gloves ,good footwear and a good riding jacket ,(at a minimum)
keep your bike running,your beer cold ,and your passport handy.all are like money in the bank .


If it's kind of cold, let the bike idle for a few minutes to bring the engine temp up a bit.

Louis (What am I doing living in Ottawa)
Hi, my name is Louis, and I'm a Vision-o-holic


Cool. Thanks guys! I can't wait to get her out on the road. Today is the first nice day that we have had all week and here I am stuck at work. But at least I am alone and I brought my Haynes manual with me to read through. LOL! Can you tell I have been bitten by the bike bug?

Another question: If I do take her out and run the gas down, then replace it do I then need to put more Sta-bil in her if I plan to let her sit? My guess is yes but I am just checking to make sure.

Kiawrench: I have an HJC CL-14 Fuse helmet (DOT-218, SNELL M2000) , Joe Rocket gloves, and  a pair of my old combat boots for now. I am going to a motorcycle show later this month where I can hopefully pick up my jacket . (I tried a bunch on at the local shop but nothing fits me right) This way they will have more of a selection and I should be able to find the right one. I also went out and bought a head wrap, liner gloves, and thermo type top, pants and socks to help keep me warm.  I have a thick, padded denim jacket that I can put a million layers on underneath if I want to, for now for a jacket. Not the greatest but I really don't plan on going very far right now. Maybe down the street and around the block.
Thanks again!

Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!


Heather -

Just add the proportionate amount of Sta-bil when you fill the tank.  Like Lucky said - I don't think you can OD the bike on Sta-bil it might decrease performance a tiny bit but not harmful.

Sounds like you've got a good start on the safety gear.  My CL-14 is the solid silver one.  Not one for too much flash like the pink flowers & such.  ;D  Jacket fit is important.  If it is comfortable, you are more likely to wear it & it doesn't become a distraction while riding.  I have a Fieldsheer Glen Scott that works well for me.  Comes with a zip out insulation liner - still too warm in 45 degree weather!

Look for good armor on elbows, shoulders & back.  Leather is best for abrasion resistance but the heavy cordura models give good protection as well.  Cordura also has a wider comfort range - especially when things heat up in July & August.  You can get fair ventilation from perforated leather and most jackets have zippered vents to further increase airflow.

Have fun shopping.  :P

If you have an accident on a motorcycle, it's always your fault. Tough call, but it has to be that way. You're in the right, and dead -on a bike. The principle is not to have any accident. If you're involved in an an accident, it's because you did not anticipate. Then, by default, you failed.


gee whiz,,,, i wasnt trying to be mean,,,, but i do like the combat boot line,,, same thing i ride with,,,, still have a couple pairs i never have worn . i like the option of lacing tighter or looser depending on what my feet say that day (lol)

   the gear you ride with doesnt need to be big name high dollar stuff, as long as it fits well, doesnt ride up on you ,and does not make you feel "trapped " (binding) take your time, you can always add to your kit as time goes by( and bike gear is always a good birthday or holiday gift) (( hidden hint to your hubby))
keep your bike running,your beer cold ,and your passport handy.all are like money in the bank .


Kia: sorry if I sounded like I was snapping at you. I wasn't at all. I just figured that I would let you know what I had so you could offer suggestions or make comments about the quality/ durability of stuff. Really I wasn't thinking you were being mean. I definatly agree with the lace thing on the boots. I do eventually want to get real motorcycle boots but for now the combat ones stay. LOL! The jackets that I tried on were too long in the arms and not wide enough in the waist. Being 5 foot 4 inches and a bit overweight it really is hard to find a jacket that fits right.

h2olawyer: Come on, no pink flowered helmet?  :P LOL!

Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!


Quote(I tried a bunch on at the local shop but nothing fits me right)

That's my head... I've had decen't helmets in the past, and wouldn't you know the last time I tried on helmets, I tried probably every one on in 2 decent sized bike shops.  the only one I could find that I liked, but more importaintly, fit properly, was a cheepo $65 lid.

there is an expression that goes something like: if you have a $50 head, wear a $50 helmet, if you have a $300 head wear a $300 helmet.. I guess I have a $65 head, lol

Well I know enough about helmet construction to know what is good & what isn't, and wouldn't put anything on my head that didn't have at LEAST a DOT rating.  I don't really miss all the bells & whistles.

No real point to all this, except don't hold out for the just expensive stuff, if it doesn't fit right & feel comfortable, you won't wear it, and that's no protection at all..

1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


Lucky's DOT comment is pretty appropriate. Once that is covered, the price is a poor reflection of the ability of a helmet to prevent brain damage. It will reflect, though, the style, the options, the quality of the paint, etc.

The price can also to a certain extent be related to the ability of the helmet to sustain a LOW impact blow without any damage to the shock absorbing material below the outer shell - for example, when you accidentally drop the helmet on the ground.

A very expensive, cool looking helmet that doesn't fit right or with the chin strap loose will not do its job right. A cheap (approved) helmet that does fit snuggly will.

ANY helmet that sustained a good blow (see Superfly!) MUST be destroyed. The ability of the internal stuff to absorb impact energy only works once.

Still, so many people out there prefer to ride lidless... Freedom of choice is good, I agree... but it mixes poorly with stupidity or bad luck!

Hi, my name is Louis, and I'm a Vision-o-holic


This is just my opinion and I am not trying to sway anyone either way on this.
I personally will not put a helmet on my head that is not SNELL certified. I did some research before buying my helmet and found out that just because a helmet is DOT certified does not mean that it has been tested. The DOT basically just takes the word of the company that made the helmet that they tested it. So someone could just pass it on to them and say that it was tested, where SNELL actually tests the helmets themselves. Any helmet that is SNELL certified will be DOT certified but any helmet that is DOT certified may not necessarily be SNELL certified.
Again this is just my personal opinion and I am not trying to push my views on anyone else on this. I am however open to comments/ other peoples views about this. I feel that you can never learn too much about this subject.

Also when it comes to looks I rather have the safety rating than the look. I just happened to find a helmet that I feel had both in the HJC.
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!


I agree, I'd prefer to have the Snell tag on a helmet too, it just so happens I have a head shaped like a stator, lol

i've had HJC before, just couldn't find any cu4rrent styles to fit.
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


  I went with what fit best and tried to not look at prices.  I ended up with
an RF-1000 which was more than I wanted to spend, and I feel good knowing that Shoei exceeds snell ratings.  Plus I feel like a quality helmet will last a long time, then I thought about how often I ride, and if I divide the cost of the helmet over how many miles (or days) I ride.  It's comes out pretty cheap! (cheaper than a head injury)
Hey honey, uh, I got another vision... HONEY??? Oh yea, thats right she moved out...


      i never thought you were snapping,,,, i poke too much fun at myself as it is ,so i never get offended if someone sends me some fuzz,,,, i look forward to it ,, lol . besides,,, i have been run over by an old woman in a parking slot,,,, still kicking ,, lmao
as the day goes on, your feet expand and contract, becoming as much as one in greater in diameter, you need laces to be able to adjust the boots fit as the day goes on in order to prevent circulation problems, and possible loss of support.
    i think that was posted in us army CTA-50-970, footgear and cold weather  fitment .
       (uh oh,,, long time, may be off a chapter, but bet am close)
      there are many types of riding boots, but most are really cowboy boots with an extra dark finish, offering no more support to your ankles ,and no more protection than a pair of socks.
  Take your time , pick boots that can be adjusted as the day goes on, as riding /walking /riding  can require the boots adjust a bit to correct the changes of your feet.
    laces wont make you a sissy , and if the unthinkable happens, they can be cut by rescue personnel to get a boot off, rather than slicing the side of a 300.00 harley boot .
    you have a history with  your lace up jump boots, so i say, welcome them to your bike kit, buy some more,,,,,
   places to buy: army navy surplus store
keep your bike running,your beer cold ,and your passport handy.all are like money in the bank .

Rick G

Hi Heather, when trying on motorcycle jackets , always raise your arms to the aproximate  level of the handle bars  to evaluate  sleve length. They are  purposly made longer so they will not be too short  when your arms are in the riding position.
My Tour Master looks a litltle to long when I stand beside the bike but fits perfectly when riding.
Rick G
Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there in lurks the skid demon
'82.5 Yamaha XZ550 RJ  Vision,
'90 Suzuki VX800, 1990 Suzuki DR350.
'74  XL350   Honda , 77 XL350 Honda, 78 XL350 Honda, '82 XT 200 Yamaha, '67 Yamaha YG1TK, 80cc trail bike


Rick G: Thank you for that tidbit of information, I did not know that. It is hard to remember how long the sleeves were on each jacket that I tried on, but I feel that going to a show will at least allow me to sample many more styles and designs. (Also possibly get a discounted rate) I did just join the AMA and I also have my MSF course completion card. So I am hoping that I will get a discount using either one or both.

Professor: I do like the Shoei brand and I agree with you about the ratings. I diod try a few on but they didn't fit right. I also did not particularly care for the style. That's just me though.
Lucky: besides you need room in your helmet to fit that flaming beard of yours!  ;) LOL!

Kia: Now you are going to make me try to find that regulation in the book. LOL! I actually have a few pairs of boots already. Not to mention all that I gave away when I got out. LOL! If it was one thing the Army gave me it was boots. LOL! (and those ugly green, wool socks that no one wore.) From all the years of drills I know exactly what you mena about wanting to be able to adjust the tightness of the boots. I am looking for that in thenpair of bike boots that I will eventually purchase someday. I feel thought that civillan boots would be a tad more comfortable than combat boots. Now I am off to try to find that regulation..... :P
Sometimes being insane in an insane world IS being sane

I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it!


Speaking of helmets...

My biggest surprise getting back onto my Vision after a ten year hiatus was the cost of new helmets!

But I recall reading some time ago that something like 50 to 75% of the price of a new helmet goes to pay for legal fees for the helmet manufacturer.

Why..... everytime someone gets hurt on a bike- they always sue the helmet manufacturer- no matter what caused the injury. The manufacturers are inundated with law suits!


yeah, and the people who didn't wear a lid almost never sue helmet manufacturers...their dead or have brain dammage.
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."
2 King Henry VI, IV, 2, 1589 - 1591

If you have an accident on a motorcycle, it's always your fault. Tough call, but it has to be that way. You're in the right, and dead -on a bike. The principle is not to have any accident. If you're involved in an an accident, it's because you did not anticipate. Then, by default, you failed.


Except the cute ones.

(I dunno, it's early, Saturday morning, and the caffeine didn't kick in yet. Sorry)

Hi, my name is Louis, and I'm a Vision-o-holic