Major Stalling Issue

Started by ghostrider, May 05, 2014, 10:35:30 AM

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So I have ridden about 120 miles or so since April 20th.  Bike was riding fine until yesterday.  The bike stalled out as soon as I came to a stop.  Now this morning, when I attempted to give it some throttle, the bike didn't pick up at all.

The solution, a short term fix, was that I put the petcock on PRI and it ran fine.  Obviously, I do not want to have it on PRI, but thats where I am at.  Does anyone have this issue as well?  What could be wrong?


Petcock is vacuum controlled except in PRI position.  Check for vacuum at petcock end of the petcock vacuum hose.  If no vacuum is there, trace the hose back to where it attaches to the engine.  Be on the look out for breaks in the hose or a disconnected hose at the engine.  The good news is that the engine runs well in the PRI position.


QBS - thank you kindly.  I have had a gas leak for quite some time and it seems like there is a loose or damaged fuel hose.  I will investigate more and will let you know what i find.


UPDATE - a short ride today (~5 miles) and the Vision is dead.  As QBS said, a hose has come undone.  Unfortunately, now the Vision also will not even fire up to start.  When I push in the ignition switch, nothing...

I am not sure how to fix the fuel line, but I will try the ignition switch later tonight.

btw, pushing this bike was a mother, lol!


Check for proper charging system operation.

fret not

Check the ENGINE KILL SWITCH on RH handlebar

Check the fuse box

If neither of those helps look for disconnected wires

check connections of the GROUND CABLE from battery to engine case

Check condition of the other large cables from battery to starter solenoid and from solenoid to starter motor.  Could be the solenoid, easy to check with current to the small wires, should hear a click each time the current is applied.
Retired, on the downhill slide. . . . . . . . still feels like going uphill!