Carb tunning problems

Started by anpmech10, June 07, 2006, 11:14:28 PM

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I am having some trouble tunning the carbs on my Vision. when you rev the bike it revs up to redline fine but only idles down to about 3,000-3,500 RPM. It does return to a good idle, but very slowly. It usualy takes about 15 to 20 seconds to return to idle. The problem gets worse at the bike warmes up, it hanges up longer. It is the first run after cleaning and syncing the carbs. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
1982 XZ550 with '83 Fairing
2000 VS1400 Chopper
1983 XJ750 Cafe Racer
1976 DT400 Enduro


Classic symptom: leaking YICS chamber. split it open at the seam & reseal the two chambers.  testing procedures to confirm it first are on my site (

non classic but just as likely:
vacuume leak/leaking fuel pump, collapsed YICS hoses (pronounced "Yikes!"  ;D ). Do not just remove or plug the YICS system, it aids starting, cold idle & fuel milage.

1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


that's the pronunciation?  dang...I still like the other way....
...a vision is never complete.