Riders Of Vision

General => General Board => Topic started by: artbone on August 02, 2009, 03:13:59 PM

Title: La Carrera Panamericana 2009
Post by: artbone on August 02, 2009, 03:13:59 PM
La Carrera Panamericana 2009

Did you pass on Woodstock because you had to study for finals? Miss the March on Washington and Martin's speech because the VW van broke down in Kansas?  Couldn't leave the state because of a court order and missed Richard and David's last-lap crash at the Daytona 500 in '76?

Want a chance to participate in an Once-in-a-Lifetime, First-Time-Ever, Never-to-be-Forgotten event you'll remember until Alzheimer's kicks in?

Motoclassico de San Miguel de Allende has been invited to take part in this year's La Carrera Panamericana ( www.lacarrerapanamericana.com.mx/ ), the first time motorcycles have been invited to participate in this world-class international motorsports event. This is a seven day, 3000 kilometer motorcycle adventure that starts in Huatulco, on the south coast of Mexico near the Guatemalan border on October 23 and ends seven days later on October 29 in Nuevo Laredo, on the US border. Check out the map on the La Carrera website.

Not for the faint of heart, it includes some of the most challenging roads in the world, in some of the most beautiful scenery on earth. Every day ends with a ride through cheering throngs of people lining the street and a fiesta in the Jardin of a Mexican town complete with beer, loud music, pretty girls dancing, and kids asking for your autograph. You might not be a racer but you'll feel like one.

The motorcycle contingent won't be racing but we'll be starting at thirty second intervals behind the cars and can ride as fast as we want on the speed sections. The next vehicle after the motorcycles will be the ambulance and doctors which could be advantageous if someone's enthusiasm surpasses their skill level.

Moto Classico de San Miguel de Allende and its members is in no way responsible for anything that might happen to you if you choose to participate in this event.

We are looking for riders who are confident of their ability to ride fast on difficult roads, in a foreign country, with little or no handholding. This is not a tour. If you can't wipe your own nose, don't sign up. No wimps or whiners.

We would prefer bikes that are at least 25 years old, to maintain the tradition of the event, but this first year, that's not engraved in stone. We are limited to 15 bikes this year and we already have seven riders so if you're interested get in touch soon.

The price for this adventure is $1000 per bike and $450 per person for hotel rooms, double occupancy, paid to La Carrera. You are responsible for all other expenses such as getting the bike to Huatulco, all gas, food, and lodging apart from the aforementioned items.

Motoclassico has hired a professional guide, Alberto Clave, for this trip and we will have at least two chase trucks and two trailers with drivers to accompany us. If you wish to be part of our group the cost is an extra $250 above the other ($1450) cost.

Entry fees need to be in before Sept. 1, so get in touch soon.

If you have any questions email me at artbone1@yahoo.com .

Art Bone
Title: Re: La Carrera Panamericana 2009
Post by: Coil Coyle on August 15, 2009, 03:14:02 AM
And I was driving the hardbanding rig home the weekend of Altamont in 69, just got to sit in the traffic jam on 580.


No money, I guess I'm missing this one too!
