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IMPORTAINT note on POR-15 use:

Started by Lucky, May 05, 2004, 06:32:45 PM

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I pored my 83 tank last season, it was full of holes at the corners.  The kit I bought localy has a half inch of dust on it, so before I used the POR, I shook the can to mix it, figuring it had settled from sitting.

did the tank and it was fine. last season...
this year it's seeping gas out the corners. I emailed POR, and explained what happened, the stated to NEVER shake the can because it introduces air bubbles into the por & it dries that way.  I noticed them but didn't pay it any mind.

now I have to but a can of POR_STRIP from them & another kit, and re-do it.
I'm not a happy camper!  

I still stand behind POR-15, I just wish I knew about the no shaking rule first.  plus I cant get a sticker unless they 'happen' to put one in the box  :(

1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


I am wondering why I seem to be the only one who was lucky enough to get directions with the kit I ordered over the net direct from POR 15. It included little tid bits about how not to shake up the can or put the lid back on it after opening it, tank had to be bone dry, and to let the POR15 dry at least 3 days (72 hours)  before reassembling and refilling the tank.  Wish I had not tossed them when I was done, or I'd offer up a scan or retype for others future reference.  It also came with a color catalog of all their stuff (some is really cool) as well.  Found that in my "shop", but the directions seem to be long gone....  


I noticed the lack of instructions as well.  While they did say not to shake the can they never say to stir the ingredients.  Mine was completely settled apart and when I poured it into the tank it was all clear liquid.  There was a half inch of silver goo in the bottom of the can so I poured the stuff back into the can and stirred it up.  I think those guys are putting all their energy into the product - which is excellent but they need to redo some of their literature.  They say over and over that if something goes wrong it's because you didn't follow their instructions.  I had 3 different sets of instructions (one on the can one came with the kit and I had them email me another)  and was still confused.  Have you guys had any problems getting all the por 15 out of the lowest parts of the tank.  It seems to be a pretty bad design to make a tank that has two points lower than the lowest opening.  It makes removing anything liquid quite a pain.


Oh I had instructions, I've POR'ed a few tanks. I just glossed over them this time and missed that part.  it's my own fault, just thought i'd make a point of it, kinda 'learn from my mistakes'.  all my kits had instructions (and the catalog)

1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black