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General Felissimo Francisco Franco is still dead....

Started by Lucky, December 30, 2006, 05:58:21 PM

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Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging in the pre-dawn hours today. They would have sent him to the electric chair, but Iraq hasn't had electricity since 2003.

In a poignant tribute to the late President Gerald Ford, his body will lie in state in the U.S. Capitol. And in an even more poignant tribute, his casket will be dropped from the top of the steps of Air Force One.

"Godfather of Soul" James Brown died today at age 73. Luckily, his hair is expected to live on for at least another five decades.

Safe & happy new year everyone!
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


hope that didn't fly too close over your heads... :D

I guess an explanation is in order:
In the early days of Saturday Night Live (1975), when Chevy Chase did "Weekend Update" he began & ended several newscasts with: "General Felissimo Francisco Franco is still dead...."
see this link: for a more detailed explanation.

My father thought this was a riot, & like older people will often do, has repeated the phrase many, many, MANY times over the years.

1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


Yes, sorry to say I'm old enough to rember that on SNL :(

Right now I bet Saddam Hussein is rather warm ;)
" Like a dream he flies away, no more to be found,
banished like a Vision of the night."
                                                Job 20:8    NIV


The reason the Franco bit was so funny is that he took several months to die. Daily, the Spanish press would issue a report that he was still alive. When he finally passed, SNL started the Franco is still dead bit.
Whale oil beef hooked!


Thats just wrong....  I liked Gerry Ford, despite Chevy Chase depicting him as a klutz.



That wasn't meant as a slight to frmr president Ford, in fact the ref to Chevy Chase & Franco was meant more at the Saddam thing.  i hadn't thought about Chase doing Ford 'till i saw it mentioned at Fords eulogy the other day.  Ford considered Chase's impersonation funny & even thanked him for once when they met.

By Fords own admition he had an accident prone streak, and at least he had a sense of humor about it.  he was quite the athlete in college.

1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


I liked President Ford as well.  The Chevy Chase bits were hilarious.  Also liked the Simpsons episode where first Bush senior, then Ford moved into a house across the street.  When Homer & Mr. Ford cross the street & trip on the curb - then both say D'oh! simultaneously is one of the more memorable moments.

Both sides in Washington could take some lessons in civility & honesty from Mr. Ford's example.

If you have an accident on a motorcycle, it's always your fault. Tough call, but it has to be that way. You're in the right, and dead -on a bike. The principle is not to have any accident. If you're involved in an an accident, it's because you did not anticipate. Then, by default, you failed.


Lucky .... I'm amazed you even knew that completely arcane reference to "General Felissimo"...... but unfortunately.... I  'AM'  one of those old farts you refer to that think that is still completely hilarious.

Ron.... don't worry about Chevy Chase.........  all those prat falls he did down the stairs to depict Ford as a "klutz" have come back to haunt him  .  Like all stunt men (think evel knievel)... he already has serious arthritus, crippling pain, etc....  I guess I don't feel too bad.  Apparently...... of the SNL alumni.... he was a HUGE jerk.  Still... Caddy Shack is the funniest film of the last century.

As for Ford. My trivia for the day is that most people (younger) who are big JFK conspiracy theorists... don't remember that Ford was s full member of the Warren commision.  SO...... this man that everyone agrees was 'Down to earth'... honest / trustworthy, etc....   was part of the greatest coverup of all time??!??

I don't think so!     Oswald did it, period dot. Get over it.  (wow.... this will open about 20 more threads I'm sure).

Yeah..... Gerry Ford was the real deal.  Hard to come by these days. I'd say more but since the present is my boss.....   and the sekret servi  se are always listning ...

Oh yeah... why did I come here?!?!?!?  I have bike problems... I guess I'll have to write about that later!?

Lead, Follow, or Get the Hell out of the way.


Quote from: Lucky on January 03, 2007, 02:14:02 PM
That wasn't meant as a slight to frmr president Ford, in fact the ref to Chevy Chase & Franco was meant more at the Saddam thing.  i hadn't thought about Chase doing Ford 'till i saw it mentioned at Fords eulogy the other day.  Ford considered Chase's impersonation funny & even thanked him for once when they met.

By Fords own admition he had an accident prone streak, and at least he had a sense of humor about it.  he was quite the athlete in college.


no, I knew what you meant but I just had to comment...   