Sunday Ride...

Started by Tanno, September 03, 2007, 09:37:27 AM

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Well, I got up late and got called into work. While I was at work, I called a co-worker about going riding after I got out of work.

He came back to work, I got done, and we took off at about 7:00pm for a ride in the mountains. He hasn't been on many roads in Colorado, so I've been giving him the tour of our wonderful roads.

We headed up Boulder Canyon to Nederland and topped off w/ go-go juice, then on to Estas Park. We stopped at McDonald's in Estas and topped off one more time w/ fuel. We then headed up Devil's Gultch and on to Big Thompson Canyon. We then took Hwy 56 to Masonville, then CR-38e around Horsetooth Resevior and up to Bellvue. From there, we took Rist Canyon Rd to Stove Prairie Rd on up to Poudre Canyon Hwy.

At this point, we are planning on a fillup in Fort Collins before finishing the trip down back to Longmont. We followed Poudre Canyon to US 287 and merged on. I got about 200 yds onto 287 only to see a horror in my mirror. I saw my friend's headlight swing left. I thought he'd laid it down, but before I could even look away from the mirror, I saw the light move about 10 ft into the air and then touch the ground and then back up again...then into a type of barrel roll. I look away from the mirror to stop and turn around. I came back north in the southbound lane looking for my friend. I saw the bike in the median and then swerving around parts, I then saw him start to get up in the middle of the lanes.

Turns out, he's okay. Minor road rash on his knees and a minor cut on his right hand.

This was at about 1:30 this morning. His bike is a 2005 Honda RC51 and is now totaled. He was accellerating to catch up with me, but was only at about 40-50 mph when this happened. He said is front wheel came up a little and the rear lost it on the loose gravel from the fresh paving....then all hell broke loose. He fell off the back of the bike. There's abbrasions on the back of his leather jacket, but no damage to him from this.

I'm sorry for not running on an invited ride this morning, but I had him at the hospital to check out his head. He had a slight headache and the Doc says it's just a bump...nothing serious. *whew* I'm now home and have to sleep and get to work this afternoon.

Here's the pics I have from this morning.

And now the Helmet:

He now understands the importance of not riding alone and more importantly, wearing the gear that's made for this type of accident!
He told me this morning that his roommate doesn't wear a helmet and that he's going to throw his now trashed helmet at him and tell him to wear his.

My thought on that was, how much more proof do you need to convince someone to wear protective equipment?

I was scared as hell that I'd lost a friend, but thank God that I didn't!
Industrial Technician by trade -- Curiosity by nature, tinkerer by choice.
"Handle every situation like a dog would. If you can't eat it or screw it; Piss on it and walk away!" -- Unknown



glad ur buddy is ok. and yeah how much evidence do those that dont where helmets need?  I still shake my head in disbelief EVERY time I see someone cruising without a skullcap. Im sure they'll pass the law soon.  It seems odd that Denver passed a motorcycle noise ordinance before making law what many riders knows already as necessary.
I've always wanted to ride on of those RC51s.
...a vision is never complete.


Glad the injuries weren't more serious!  Too bad the bike got so messed up.  They recently chip & sealed some of 287 - Not sure entirely wherethe North end of it is, but the South end is the Laporte turnoff.

I'll be taking video of Snowy Range this time.  Last time up there, I had a problem with the camera & couldn't film.  Besides, the video would have looked more like the inside of a light bulb than a ride video!

As for helmet laws - they are covered by state law.  Noise ordinances are normally covered by municipal codes.  I am against helmet laws, but very pro helmet.  I'm just one of those who feels you can't legislate stupidity out of society.  If the riders don't get it from not wearing a helmet, they will get it doing something else idiotic.  Colorado used to have a helmet law.  It was repealed in the 80s.

Wish you could join us today, Tanno, but entirely understandable.  We'll probably do something next weekend, though.  Will keep you informed.

If you have an accident on a motorcycle, it's always your fault. Tough call, but it has to be that way. You're in the right, and dead -on a bike. The principle is not to have any accident. If you're involved in an an accident, it's because you did not anticipate. Then, by default, you failed.


Thought they had one when I got there but it was repealed as I saw a lot of people riding without one in the span of a week compared to before.  I know Florida's was repealed recently.  It's true about not being able to legislate stupidity.

Glad he made it out alright, and all things considered the bike looks to have held up alright considering what it went through.

Good to know my helmet should hold up well if I go down, he's got the same model just different paint job. :)

Ah, such fun to be out riding...
What was that?!

'82 Yamaha Vision XZ550RJ
'07 Kawasaki Vulcan 1600 Mean Streak Special Edition (VN1600B)


I only brought my dig cam because I thought we'd be out on the ride early enough to get some good wallpaper pics.

We didn't leave early enough. These were the only pics I got from the trip.

Aside from the accident, the trip was great. Devil's Gultch had crap loads of sand in two hairpins. I was hoping that my friend gets his bike replaced by next weekend and we'll take the same road in the daytime (for difference in scenary).

Industrial Technician by trade -- Curiosity by nature, tinkerer by choice.
"Handle every situation like a dog would. If you can't eat it or screw it; Piss on it and walk away!" -- Unknown


Those Devil's Gulch hairpins normally have lots of sand, gravel, pebbles, stones & rocks washed out into the road.  I've ridden it at least a half dozen times in the last two years & only once did I have clean road there.

Will be posting the Monday Ride details soon.  Kwells & I did Snowy Range.  Long ride, but beautiful road.  Lots of traffic until we hit Wyoming.  Then pretty good - even all the way back into Ft. Collins on US287 from Laramie.  I got WYO 130 (Snowy Range) on video for real good this time!  Third try & I finally got it!   ;D  Will have it edited down & posted someplace later this week.

Let's try to get together for your ride next weekend!  Not sure I want to do another 300+ miles again, but 200 or so is easily doable.

If you have an accident on a motorcycle, it's always your fault. Tough call, but it has to be that way. You're in the right, and dead -on a bike. The principle is not to have any accident. If you're involved in an an accident, it's because you did not anticipate. Then, by default, you failed.


Well, my friend is still okay. He's starting to loosen up from the bruises. He has been told by Progressive that they are going to rebuild his bike. He should have it back in about a month.
Industrial Technician by trade -- Curiosity by nature, tinkerer by choice.
"Handle every situation like a dog would. If you can't eat it or screw it; Piss on it and walk away!" -- Unknown