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oh, deer!!!

Started by steve, September 14, 2006, 12:36:40 AM

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I'm getting excited about the upcoming trip to pine grove but I almost got eliminated by a deer standing in the middle of the road last night.  I was doing 55mph and due to cars coming from opposite direction I didn't see it until too late to avoid.  No time to swerve or slow or pray or anything!!!  I hit with enough force to kill the deer but I stayed upright and in my lane.  Only minimal damage to the bike and not a scratch on me although my right foot hit with enough force I first thought I might have broken it.  It feels okay today.  Anyone know if those deer whistles work?  Are there better lights for night riding?   :o


First of all, I'm glad you and your ride didn't receive heavy damage or worse. . ..  I've heard both ways on the deer whistles.  I know that if you're going to get some, get the ones with electric power as they work at all speeds.  The non-powered ones work off & on, depending on speed & airflow into them.

A pair of driving lights will help you see & be seen better.  You can spend tons of $$ on some PIAAs designed for motorcycle use or go to Wal-Mart & get some small, cheap ones.  As I recall, that's what Motorplow did & he mounted them to his turn signal stalks.  Watch the power ratings - some states or localities really enforce light power & location laws.

If you have an accident on a motorcycle, it's always your fault. Tough call, but it has to be that way. You're in the right, and dead -on a bike. The principle is not to have any accident. If you're involved in an an accident, it's because you did not anticipate. Then, by default, you failed.


Wow... that's a fear I have always had. To get anywhere north of here I have to leave at dawn and drive through deer country. When I lived in Oregon I had friends who swore by deer whistles.. but I'm not sure what type they were. Glad you stayed upright.
Half Mad Max


1985, the first couple of days that I had my very first motorcycle (a 1982 Yamaha Maxim 400). I loved my new bike and the freedom that it afforded me. I decided to go out for a midnight drive up behind the Claremont Resort Hotel in Berkeley. It was dark and foggy, but the riding was fun. On my way up the windy stretch of Claremont Avenue I came around a corner at about 30 mph and suddenly a deer jumped in front of my bike! There was no time to react and I hit the animal. The deer bounced off the bike and did nothing to the bike but cause the headlight to shift upwards a bit so it was pointing about 45 degrees in the air. Being young and not knowing whether I'd get in trouble for hitting a deer, I just kept driving for another minute. Then my conscience kicked in and I decided I had to go back and check on the little guy to see if I killed him. When I got back down to the spot where I'd hit him , he wasn't there. So, I guess I must have just stunned/injured him, but he was okay enough to scurry out of the area. Since then I take "deer crossing" signs seriously.
Always ride as if all the car drivers are trying to kill you and make it look like an accident, because some of them are.


You are the third rider I've heard of to hit a deer and not go down, good job. Deer hunting magazine did a test on deer whistles several years ago, they said they they were useless. Hey, trains hit deer all the time.