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sinc at higher rpm?

Started by Greenbee, May 30, 2007, 10:03:58 PM

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Thanks Lucky. How about the sinc? I sinced them at 1300 or best guess with that crapy tach on the bike, and when I go up with the throdlle I draw more vacuum from the rear cylinder. Also was that ROV for the 82's? Just making sure.

Brian Moffet

I synced mine at about 2500 (I used the idle adjust to move it slowly up there, and I have a mercury carb-stick).  The 135 are for 82s, the 83s have 140s for some reason (or at least mine does.)



there is some debate about this, I synq at idle, & My Vision gives me a grin every time i ride it, at all rpms.

others debate that you don't ride the bike at idle, so why synq it there? well, at 2500-3500 the bike isn't in the 'fun zone' either, so how does that help?  if you want to synq it at practical rpms, say 5k minimum, that's up to you, but i wouldn't reccomend it... don't bump that shifter by mistake.

Go by the seat of your pants, if you feel it runs better synqed at higher rpms, then go for it, for my experience, it starts easier & runs great 'by the book'.

1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black