Need GPS advice

Started by Lucky, May 16, 2006, 03:26:57 PM

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As you know, we're moving to Tn soon, I'm looking for advice on a low cost, in-car GPS.  I'm looking to spend $300 or under I knw that they run into the thousands.
features i'm looking for:
--PC programing via usb. my laptop doesn't have a serial port, & my pc's serial ports are occupied (and not easily accesable)
--voice directions ("go right in 200 ft", etc)
--multiple destinations (to map shortest route to school, grocery store, mall, etc, also if i can change the order of destinations)
-- updatable software, but i'd prefer not to have to subscribe to software downloads/updates?
--trafic updates/ alt routes would be nice as would route changes on the fly

what isn't required:
--touch screen
--mp3, etc

an older model is fine as long as it meets my needs.
anyone have one to sell?

I have an Etrex Venture but no usb cable (although they & the drivers are ava) but i'd prefer not lugging a laptop around with the etrex & waiting for boot time, adapters for the laptop, etc, etc

possabilities? suggestions? i've googled it & am overwhelmed.
or should i just buy one from radio shack for the trip & return it afterwards?
Thanks, --Lucky
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black



I use I-Guidance on my CarPC and Love it.  I use a USB GPS "Mouse" (usb gps Reciever) which I  paid about 40 bucks for.  Bothe will work great on your laptop.  It gives me maps, points of interest, speed, distance and turn by turn directions VERY accurately.
You can also try MS Streets and Trips which comes bundled with a GPS Reciever.  The difference between 2005 and 2006 version is the 2006 version gives turn by turn directions.


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)


Same here, I'm using a Pharos usb reciever that was like 99 bucks (bought locally instead of getting a cheaper one online) and I-Guidance.  I-Guidance works great, voice direction works well, 3/4 overhead view is neat, and with a couple of registry hacks it does automatic route recalculation as well (for when you leave it's expected path, rather than just saying "return to path")

Streets and Trips is a really nice app as well, it's a lot more polished than Iguaidance had the cool feature of reading out the distance to your next turn each time you hit the spacebar, which can be very nice when you're not quite sure if it's coming up yet or not.  It's really meant for running on a laptop tho, and I found it pretty useless once you get down to normal carpc screen sizes.  Best to let your navigator just handle the laptop.

Using your laptop would defenatly be the cheapest way to do it, and you defenatly get all the features you'l want out of it (well except for it being on a laptop, lol)  I'm sure you could get older standalone GPS modules for really cheap on ebay but I don't know how they'ld do for maps and voice directions and the like.  You could even look at a Palm based solution, like getting a Visor and a GPS springboard module, but that suffers the same drawbacks as the standalone ones.
Rider1>No wonder, the Daytona has very sharp steering and aggressive geometry.  It's a very difficult bike for a new rider.
Rider2>Well it has different geometry now.


Thanks, but i seriously don't want to drag around a laptop, gps, adapters, etc, etc...
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


you may want to consider a used PocketPC on ebay with a cf card slot.  you can then use a CF GPS antenna and GPS software like destinator.

I'll call you after dinner to talk more about it.  I may be able to mail you my extra PocketPC to use.  You can just give it back when  you get down here.


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)


I'm a big Garmin fan. They are very user friendly and very well supported. Patti (Serendipity) has been using their most inexpensive Garmin 72 for about 3 years horseback riding and geocaching. I have a slightly outdated hand held Garmin Pilot III that I use when I fly. At work our newest aircraft have Garmin 430's that do more than I think I will ever utilize. The best part is they all have common features so if you know how to use one you can find your way with any Garmin.

Even though the Pilot III is set for flying I am planning to make a mount for the bike to use when I ride. It has the roads displayed on the map and I think that will work with the type of riding I do.

Garmin has other units that I am sure will work well. The 72 that Patti uses can be upgraded with a highway database but the basic unit as we bought it from Walmart has done everything we needed sofar. All units have sunrise and sunset and as many other features that you are willing to pay for. My friend Scott just got the handheld Garmin 396 that has XM weather. The unit displays weather on the map you are navigating on. It also has a nice feature when flying for terrain avoidance. I know there are not many mountains in Florida but it does alert you when flying close to tall antennas  :o. When using the 396 in auto mode it will also find the closest resturant of your choice.

Lorance and Magellin are also make good units but I feel Garmin has better support and is easier to update. My suggestion is to visit Garmin's website and view what they have and what will do what you need. Then visit some local retailers to put your hands on them and get prices. There are a couple of avionics shops that offer good pricing so if you think you want a Garmin let me know and I will give you some places to shop.

Piper J-3 cub
John Deere 4110
2005 BMW 1200 LT



Take a look at this one:


For me I use this together with my Nokia 6630 and it works fine.

You may say that the screen on the phone is to little, but I think it works well.

Take care and be safe on the roads!


what about this one? price looks good!

i just noticed min order $599, but i found one on fleabay 'buy it now' for $299 plus $10 shipping.  i think this sondls like what i have in mind...
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


ok, i bought this one, refurbed, with the factory warrenty
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


I haven't used that particular unit but it looks like it is very capable.
Piper J-3 cub
John Deere 4110
2005 BMW 1200 LT


Quote from: tailwheel on May 18, 2006, 11:29:37 AM
I haven't used that particular unit but it looks like it is very capable.

Ahhh, great Daves think alike.  I was going to say the same thing


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)

Brian Moffet

And if necessary you can do a lower than normal GPS approach to an airport in IFR conditions :-)  (WAAS enabled)


The closest i get to flying is watching the planes come in at the airport or airshow, i have no love of hights, but i can't think of too much cooler than a jet engine on a test stand. now if i could find a firesuit that would allow me to stand in the jetwash... uuurrrggghh  uuurrrgghh  More Power!!!
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


The worse part about keeping a GPS IFR for flight is downloading the updates every 28 days. WAAS is cool but I think at 200MPH it does not make that much difference. I use WAAS when I hike and drive but I have not seen it make a difference in flight.
Piper J-3 cub
John Deere 4110
2005 BMW 1200 LT


Quote from: Lucky on May 18, 2006, 07:38:52 PM
The closest i get to flying is watching the planes come in at the airport or airshow, i have no love of hights, but i can't think of too much cooler than a jet engine on a test stand. now if i could find a firesuit that would allow me to stand in the jetwash... uuurrrggghh  uuurrrgghh  More Power!!!

Yeah "lucky" its probably a good idea to minimize your exposure to airplanes. :-)


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)

Brian Moffet

Quote from: Lucky on May 18, 2006, 07:38:52 PM
i have no love of heights,

Actually, did you know that a higher percentage of pilots are afraid of heights than the general public?

Me?  I try to not even drive in fog much less fly through clouds...


I have no problem jumping out of an airplane at 10,000 ft but I won't jump off a high dive or bungee jump.
Go Figure
Piper J-3 cub
John Deere 4110
2005 BMW 1200 LT


I have a garmen 2610 which I love.  I have mounts for the car, truck and all my bikes.  It's water resistant as well.
1982 Yamaha XZ550
1995 Ducati M900


im not affraid of heights.     

its the sudden stop when you fall that i dont like ;D ;D ;D



     I know you don't want to lug a laptop around, but on June 5th, I'm driving down to Biloxi, Mississippi and I went out and got Microsoft Streets & Trips 2006 ($120.00 at Wal-Mart). It comes with a GPS receiver that plugs into a laptop or pocket pc by USB (you have to buy an adapter for the pocket pc).
     This device works awesome. You can do pretty much anything with it. Also, you can customize trips and so forth by length of time, distance, destination, alternate routs. Also, a nice feature it has is where ever you are, you can click on a "locate" menu and do searches for hotels, restaurants or anything that you would find on Google Earth or Windows Live Local.  It also does the voice assisted directions.
     For the price, I don't think you can beat it. I've also noticed that (in this area at least), they have new roads on there that have not been completed yet. Just my $.02 ;D

1982 Yamaha Vision
1982 Motobecane 50V
1975 Kawasaki H-1
1972 Rokon Trailbreaker