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Neon on the Vision

Started by Blake, April 06, 2004, 07:37:04 PM

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Well today i had a few minutes...and had my motorcycle club meeting at 8...  so i decided to slap on these couple of cold cathodes i had laying around that i had planned on putting on the vision a while ago..   well.... after fitting... the only place i could mount the 6" tubes was under the rear plastic..right abore the rear tire..   i wanted to mount them under the gas tank on each highlight the engine, but the left side posed a problem because of the petcock.  

anyway.  a few pictures for you guys.   each file is about 600k.  they big pictures, but if i shrunk them down to about 1200x1000, they actually be bigger in file size because for some reason my program saves them weird... i'll try and see if this other program i have can make them any smaller in size when i kick it down to 1200x1000 (its about 1500x2100 now.)

anyway,  take a look..  what do you guys think?   i was thinking of ordering a couple of LED sets (3 leds each, pretty bright) from this website i have saved.   but all in all personally i think its pretty cool.

the pictures are a little blurry, and the lights a bit brighter than they really are because of the exposure on the camera (turned the flash off)


"At first it's like a new pair of underware... Frustrating and constrictive.  But then, it kind of grows on you..."



I was considering something like that once I got mine back together.. (It is currently spread through my dining

I have a full fairing so I was thinking up in there..



If you've seen the pics of my "Frankenputer" you'll see I like a little neon too, I was thinking some red lust inside the lower fairing vents. ?it'd look like a firey glow ...

BTW, the blue neon in my PC has a sound activation feature: 3 position switch on, off & sound activation, and a knob to control how much volume kicks on the SA.  In SA mode it kind of does a lightning flash thing, so that might look cool on the V, the higher the revs, the brighter/more solid the neon gets. not bad for under 20 bucks...
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


yeah...not bad for under 20 bucks.. the set i got was two 6" cold cathodes connected to the power supply for 12 bucks...oddly enough two 12" cold cathodes were the same price (12 bucks)..wasnt sure where to mount those on the vision though...perhaps when i get around to taking out the airbox i can strap them to the inside of the gas tank for a nice bright lighting effect...

"At first it's like a new pair of underware... Frustrating and constrictive.  But then, it kind of grows on you..."


Why not make see-through left engine side cover(stator on fire) and the right side body panel(R/R glowing red)?

If you have to ask why we do this, you wouldn't understand.


Looks pretty cool...was thinking myself of putting one under the rear like yours.  My bike is an 83 with the lower fairing and was thinking of putting one laterally inside the lower fairing where it flares forward..the light should shine up towards the radiator and down under the front of the might be able to mount your other 6 inch tube just under your radiator....don't know how the heat woud affect it being mounted right up against the radiator bottom though...