Anyone else hating eDST?

Started by haunter, March 14, 2007, 12:42:15 PM

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I like it being bright out later.  i can adjust to the hour earlier thing..
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


wonder what people did for so many years without government clock tampering?  did not  seem to stop the logical line of evolution--- i take a cue from meieval times, i get up when the sun wakes me, i go to bed when i am tired , been working for years , so far ,never missed a payday.

   but then , i never make an appointment for an hour, just a day ,, but if someone insists on a more pinpoint time, i will concede to "before lunch",or "after lunch" .

  i started this system right after leaving army,dr said i needed less stress in my work environment  after switching to this type of planning, the stress was removed from a lot of things,if asked when i would have a car repair done, i would say before lunch,after lunch, or give a day when part would arrive, with car completed the first workday following by closing . has never failed to eliminate the time related stress a lot of people suffer from.
keep your bike running,your beer cold ,and your passport handy.all are like money in the bank .


hmmm...well I get at up at the crack of 10am...and drink coffee until 1:00 and then have to drag my butt in at 2.  Im not sure this whoe DST thing is affecting me so much....maybe u guys should just sleep in
...a vision is never complete.