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Started by akvision, July 07, 2009, 06:52:04 PM

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You know the drill...

You can get a chance at a new rebuilt Tim Parrott XZ550 Stator with a $25 Raffle ticket with all proceeds going to: KEEP LUCKY'S V IN CAPABLE APPRECIATIVE HANDS.  The odds are based on how much expression there is.  My hope is that there will be at least 50 or more.   I will keep you posted on the odds #.

I am donating the cost of the Stator rebuild and the postage to the winner.  Lucky and I are exempt from the drawing.   You have sometime to get it together.

Over the years Lucky has provided support to this group and is one of the primary sponsors of correct, clear and helpful information about the XZ550.  I know that this presention of information has saved me many $$$$$.   I know that many of the ROVr's have benifited. 

So now it is time to give back.   I know that times are tough for alot of folks and give up just one night at the favorite watering hole and the chance to get a stator for $25 bucks... what a deal, and you will feel good too.

Tiger is going to send me the CORE... thanks T.

I will order the Stator when I recieve the CORE...estimated time 2 weeks.
Parrot takes about 4 weeks to get them out.   I am estimating that we can have the drawing by approx August 21.

We will also run a parts donation log on this thread.   

I know that this will take a leap of faith, I promise you that I will carry this out faithfully.

Check this post for further updates and comments.

You can contact me:

James Dahl
P.O. Box 6218
Ketchikan, AK
1960 BMW R-50 "Hanz" reborn April 24, 2009 , Ketchikan
1982 "V" AKBluv, Denver, traded for BMW R1100S
1977 BMW R75/7, "Gertie"
1977 BMW R75/7, Green Lantern Cafe Project
Deep In the INSIDE PASSAGE, Alaska


1960 BMW R-50 "Hanz" reborn April 24, 2009 , Ketchikan
1982 "V" AKBluv, Denver, traded for BMW R1100S
1977 BMW R75/7, "Gertie"
1977 BMW R75/7, Green Lantern Cafe Project
Deep In the INSIDE PASSAGE, Alaska

Night Vision

I'm set on stators... but will offer an oil cooler and thermostat for the cause...

pm me if interested
if it ain't worth doing it the hard way....
it ain't worth doing it at all - Man Law

if it ain't broke..... take it apart and find out why

don't give up.... don't ever give up - Jimmy Valvano


I'll be in as soon as my vision is running, and I can ditch the 200cc bike. A little strapped right now... Better hope some of my ebay auctions sell.
Younger, but just as smart. Really.


Night Vision, I will get back to you... thanks for the offer.  I need to start a list...
Rick G has some stuff.  I think Rhpaw has some stuff, maybe a spare unrebuilt vision carb from the BlueV
anwer this thread and I will get the list going.

We have two already!  Thanks for stepping up.

Thanks to Tiger, a CORE is on its way to me.  As soon as I get it, I will get the order in.

Common, guys a little planning and a warm heart, this is for a good thing. 

I was raised to believe that "if you are not proactive, then nothing ever gets done" and if you never try, you never succeed!
Thank you all for the interest.
1960 BMW R-50 "Hanz" reborn April 24, 2009 , Ketchikan
1982 "V" AKBluv, Denver, traded for BMW R1100S
1977 BMW R75/7, "Gertie"
1977 BMW R75/7, Green Lantern Cafe Project
Deep In the INSIDE PASSAGE, Alaska


I was raised similarly.. Im a bit strapped too, but I'll be in for 2 tix, Best I can do. I'll send out a postal money order next tuesday.. Is Postal M.O. ok for you AK?...
I own:
1982 Maico 250 alpha 1... free
1982 Virago XV920J........ free
1982 Vision XZ550RJ....... 100.00
1972 BMW 75/5 W/toaster tank,  I babysit.
look me up on facebook. ride safe!!!


Can the board admin send out a general notice to all registered users about this raffle?
1982 XZ550 Vision
Most upgrades done... and a large pizza paint job!


I think he can...I can do it on my site.

I wonder too if Ron would give it a temporary stickie thread - kind of like lucky's brake bar bolt caution - to keep it on top of all the other posts.

I'll send out a message on my forum site to all the members...but I'm sure they all read the posts here too.


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)


I will also be getting in touch with you.Always better to give then recieve but getting a stator is nice


somebody post a pay pal addy for us to send our donation - i too am a bit pinched, but will send what i can --

ak -exempt me from any win too, am just happy to help
keep your bike running,your beer cold ,and your passport handy.all are like money in the bank .


Yeh a Pay Pal address would be good. I'm currently on the unemployed line but will send what I can once back in work.


Funk, yes PO MO to me is good.

Anyone have a Pay Pal acct that we can use...? I don't have one and would like to avoid setting one up.

Is that you Tiger???  OR anyone???

We have as of now...  the Status

Committed, Reserved..... and waiting.

Funk for 2
Music Web 1
B Matt.... for 1
T McL.... for 1
H20 for 1
Kev10104 for 1

Tiger has core on the way.

RickG has custom steering crown... Handle Bar set up.

Nightvision has  and Oil Cooler and Thermostat.

Rhpaw has a couple of stock Front turn signals

Roro is looking at his box of tricks.

That is the update... thanks for the support so far..  will keep you posted as it develops.

Continue to follow this thread...  akVison!
1960 BMW R-50 "Hanz" reborn April 24, 2009 , Ketchikan
1982 "V" AKBluv, Denver, traded for BMW R1100S
1977 BMW R75/7, "Gertie"
1977 BMW R75/7, Green Lantern Cafe Project
Deep In the INSIDE PASSAGE, Alaska


Was thinking maybe the Paypal account should be in Lucky's name?
(maybe he has one already?)

So all donations, auction payments, etc would go to the one account....

I checked with my partner about using our new auction site for this, but
it's not ready yet. Besides, we could get more exposure at ebay right now.

I believe raffles cannot be set up at ebay....against their policy.

I can set up a raffle site on my server if James agrees.
I can also help with setting up any auctions, as long as all the item details are sent.

Let me know James....
1982 XZ550 Vision
Most upgrades done... and a large pizza paint job!


Lucky has a "donate" Paypal button on the top 3rd of his main screen on his website at . I'm not sure though if that is a current paypal address for him or not...I' think it is.  Its the same type Icon the Ron has on the ROV site for supporting his site.


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)


One important consideration about Paypal is that paypla keeps a percentage of all monies deposited into a paypal account as a "fee", which I think is either 5 or 10%.


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)


If I can work out a deal with inanecathode on his 83 shock, I will donate it to the cause to help raise some money.


Living the dream - I am now a Physician Assistant!!   :-)


Quote from: akvision on July 10, 2009, 04:44:19 PM
Rhpaw has a couple of stock Front turn signals

Pop, negatory on the front turns.. the reason you're running fazer signals is because you had a set of crap on front.
-the fazers look better anyway.
03 buell xb9r - angry tractor


Hey all,

I've been watching this thread, & My family & I really appreciate what your all doing...
Maybe at some point i'll start a blog to explane it all, possably help someone keep from getting into the situation i'm in, but for now i just want to say Thank You!

I'm trying to keep a bad situation from getting worse & i still may have to sell my original (Touring) bike regardles of what happens here because time is a factor. iI still have my Cafe bike & have NO plans on selling it. (it's waaay too much fun)

I've also recieved a couple of donations to the site & want to say Thank You to those people as well.  if you do that & want a DVD, let me know, as that's usually how i sell those.

i'm still checking ROV & email at work most days, & have installed Netzero at home, but will probably cancel it after the first free month because it really sucks my system down, & i have a decent PC/

Again, Everyone, THANK You!

--The Lucky Family.
1982/3 XZ550 Touring Vison, Gold on Black


All the best Lucky you have been a great help to me on the oil cooler mod. It seems alot of people are doing it hard these days, especially in the USA.


Ok, been doing other things for a few days.. and been off line.

Thanks for the offer Musicweb... we could run the donation thing here and the raffle per your server.  I will email you and we can workout the details.

Thanks for the words Lucky, ,just hang in there help is coming.

Am looking to get the STATOR CORE anytime now.  Will place order and report immediately.

1960 BMW R-50 "Hanz" reborn April 24, 2009 , Ketchikan
1982 "V" AKBluv, Denver, traded for BMW R1100S
1977 BMW R75/7, "Gertie"
1977 BMW R75/7, Green Lantern Cafe Project
Deep In the INSIDE PASSAGE, Alaska